

Moraru Daniel(モラル ダニエル)

【 静岡大学工学部准教授 】

High Temperature Single-electron in Semiconductor


Si nanoelectronics is part of our daily life, but atomic-level effects are still not developed. Recently, we demonstrated such atomin level functional using dopant-atoms as quantum dots (QDs)in Si nanodevices. Moreover,our group has reported the highest operation temperatures of single-electron tunneling in dopant-QDs(T>150 K) [E.Hamid et al.,PRB 87 (2013); A.Samanta et al. APL 110 (2017)]. We have also demonstrated various applications of dopant-QDs for future generations of electronics (D. Moraru et al.,Nanoscale Res. Ltt. 6 (2011) & 10 (2015).]

For practical applications of dopant-QDs, room-temperature SET is most criticaL ln the next period, l will focus on enhancing the barrier height of dopant-QDs in order to cut off thermally-activated current and allow the observation of SET, For that,a stud of high-concentration doping in Si nanodevices Is needed because it can lead to large potential fluctuations and implicity , to iarge tunnel barriers.
